Every school day I look forward to fourth period. It is like a light at the end of the tunnel, a break from the monotonous atmosphere of my other three classes. This year more than ever I have enjoyed Entrepreneurship and the refuge it provides for authentic growth and workMr. Jackson you have taught us well these past three years. The work ethic and initiative I have is a direct product of your classroom and has truly manifested this year. I don't feel the need to have my hand held or be told what I should be working on. In fact, I see most of the groups in our class proactively approaching their projects, resulting in quality work. These first nine weeks have been fantastic and I can't wait to see what the second nine has in store.
Zach A. |
First, from our class of 2019, Advanced Entrepreneurship
I am unbelievably happy to have chosen a project I am 100% passionate about. Since freshman year I have wanted to write an Independent business plan, built around an idea that I have genuine interest in exploring. Drew and I are both approaching our project as if it were a real business, in fact we are truly thinking about bringing it to life this summer. This has pushed us into high gear, we don't see it as a burden to work on our project. We don't need a grade, assignment, or verbal encouragement to get to work, it only seems fitting we exhibit pro-activity with the passion we have. Everyday, Drew and I can't help but laugh over the amount of fun we are having with the project and exchange ideas for dreams we have to make the business a reality. The work I do everyday is fulfilling and only makes me want to continue working on the project in my free time. The class itself has been nothing but amazing. I’ve really enjoyed having the opportunity to work with Zach on a project that we are both passionate about. This semester is a joke of classes. Sitting through my first, second, and third period classes physically and mentally draining me with boredom and useless worksheet after useless worksheet. This class is the oasis that makes this year thus far bearable. Each day that I come in I’m ready to give our project my all, to create something meaningful that we can actually bring to life. At the beginning of this 9 weeks, getting everything done was a struggle. . . . never let the pursuit of money get in the way of what I love. Overall I feel like I’ve given this 9 weeks my all, and I’m ready to take the next 9 weeks to a whole new level, more than what I previously thought was even capable.